2021 6_30 Scratch
Standings for 6_30 Scratch

6_30 Scratch up to game 3 sorted by scratch
6_30 Scratch 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1t Bob Leavy 201 239 174 440
1t Matt Heesaker 215 225 193 440
3 Trevor Schwartz 242 191 206 433
4 Dylan Shafel 194 180 374
5 John Vanlangendon 167 192 171 359
6 Caitlyn Phillips 189 158 347
7 Kent Jacobsen 180 158 141 338
8 William Durfy 159 176 335
9 Jason Weis 165 154 319
10 Cody Dequane 156 137 293
11 Adam Schmit 123 141 264
12 Mike O'Connell 159 159
13 Wally Georgia 125 125
14 Randy Wilde 112 112

Scan for Standings